Friday, July 1

Spain!: A Prelude

In a bit of a spontaneous decision, I decided to accompany a group of friends on their trip to Spain. I'll be there from July 3rd to the 11th (they're going on to France and the Netherlands afterward, but I can't swing that much time off of the internship). We will be hitting Madrid, San Sebastian, Pamplona, and Barcelona. We will be in Pamplona during the Running of the Bulls and I'm going to do my best to participate without getting gored or trampled. The dilemma, though, is: how will I take pictures if I'm busy trying not to die?

Anyway, here is a look at what I'll have on my person at all times during the trip:

Of note: Of course "The Sun Also Rises" and a Moleskine so I can do my best Hemingway impression. A spare camera for places that aren't ultra-tourist friendly. Perhaps most importantly, chemical-free zinc-oxide based sunscreen because I am allergic to everything else.

This is also the first time I'll be leaving the country that's not going to Korea with my family. I'm very happy to finally have something stamped in my passport. Hopefully this will be the first of many. If you want a souvenir, shoot me an email!


  1. AWESOME! HAVE FUN!! and this looks like a jcrew catalog.

  2. look at those smudges on your embarrassing
