Home visits usually involve at least one jaunt across the National Mall. For New Year's Eve, I had fully intended to do absolutely nothing, but a friend and I decided to hang out in Baltimore at the last minute. It was fun and low-key. We got to catch the fireworks at the Inner Harbor.

My time at home was generally not that eventful, but it was restful and pleasant. I've been back less than a day and already can't stop thinking about school, getting a job so I can feed myself, summer internships, what to do about housing next fall... but it's OK! Two more weeks of freedom!
The precipitous drop off in the frequency of posts in the past couple of months was mostly due to the workload picking up, but I should have a bunch of stuff to put up here in the coming weeks.
ooh, great fireworks shot!
ReplyDeleteclearly you need to get your priorities straight. blogging > school. :)