I had my last regulation final this morning. I still have a take-home test due tomorrow and a comprehensive exam on the 23rd, but I have a bit of a reprieve now. A little after the test a couple of friends and I went sailing on the Charles River. One of my classmates had taken the sailing class this semester and is allowed to check out sailboats. So we spent a little while hanging out on the river. It was a nice way to unwind after a hectic week. It was a small boat so too much maneuvering wasn't really an option, but I took as many shots as I could without capsizing us. This was also the first time I've ever worn boat shoes on an actual boat.

The semester's not quite over yet, but it's close. Summer's around the corner and I'm not really sure what I'll be doing, but I'm looking forward to a break.
really captures the day, nice work.